You deserve a really good massage but what type of massage is the best for you?
I can suggest all my Selected Massages but if are into personal growth I will suggest the Holistic treatment or my Premium Massages : Dearmouring or Sacred Tantra Massage.
selected massages

Are you feeling tired? Do you need to disconnect from daily issues? Then this is what you need. It is a special combination of techniques (Californian, Thai massage, reflexology, deep or soft pressure under your demand) using essential oils and specific music to have the experience you deserve right now.

holistic massage
Really working in 4 levels: body, emotions, mind and energy. First we will talk to know exactly what you need. Then focus in your intention will use almond oil with essential oil following my intuition. At the end you will feel balanced, clarity, emotional release and body relaxed.

ENERGy massage
Here I combine Relaxing and Holistic session with oil massage. Balancing your chakras. As I can feel your energy I can tell you who are your chakras and where you need more harmony.

SPORTS massage
Did you practice some sports? You will release tensions of your muscles and you will feel like a new person after this session.

THAI massage
Have you ever tried thai massage? It is on a mat whit clothes on and without oil. I learnt in Thailand but also with awesome masters in Greece and in Mallorca. One day you need to know why few people told me: "I received many massage in Thailand but this was the best"

Californian MASSAGE
With long strokes moving like the waves of the ocean. Combining fast and slow until you will fully surrender to the deeper layers of yourself.
prices & time for selected massage
Choose your Selected Massages: (UltraRelaxing, Holistic, Sports, Californian, Energetic & Thai Massage)
Selected Massages
- Essencial Oils
- Excellent Music Quality
- Special discount per groups
- Best Table Massage
- 5-10min extra to integrate
- No rush
Selected Massages
- Essencial Oils
- Excellent Music Quality
- Special discount per groups
- Best Table Massage
- 5-10min extra to integrate
- No rush
Selected Massages
- Essencial Oils
- Excellent Music Quality
- Special discount per groups
- Best Table Massage
- 5-10min extra to integrate
- No rush
premium massages

Armour is created from the emotions that we didn't express. It makes you to live with conditions that block from your truly you. Here we go one step forward and go ahead to unblock with specific touch and combined with oil massage.
prices & time for premium massages
Do you want to try a PREMIUM MASSAGE? Which one Dearmouring?
premium Massages
- 90min massage session
- PLUS 10-20 min Preinterview
- PLUS 10-20min time to integrate
- On futon or Table Massage
- Music & Essential oils
- No rush
premium Massages
- 120min massage session
- PLUS 10-20min Preinterview
- PLUS 10-20min time to integrate
- On futon or Table Massage
- Music & Essential oils
- No rush
premium Massages
- 120min massage session
- PLUS 10-20min Preinterview
- PLUS 10-20min time to integrate
- On futon or Table Massage
- Music & Essential oils
- No rush
How much is per massage?
For Selected Massages: Holistic, UltraRelaxing, Californian, Sports, Energetic or Thai Massage.
- 95€ / 60min
- 130€ / 90min
- 170€ / 120min
For Premium Massages: Dearmouring.
- 130€ / 90min
- 170€ / 120min
- 195€ / 150min
Final Price: Depending how many people receives massage and how far are you price can be adapted. Please, ask for special price if you need it. Thanks
How can you pay it?
You have two ways to pay it.
- In cash (best choice)
- PayPal to (if you can not in cash)
What You Get
I always try to make your experience better than your expectations but here you have some things that you will recieve.
- Private and Unique attention. Never two massages are the same.
- Extra time: Interview, time to integrate and wake up form the table massage with no rush .
- On time: I will arrive no more no less of our meeting time.
- Essential oils: I will ask you if you want essentials oils for your session.

We are one step away from meeting each other !
What is the best way to contact me?
- Phone call (the fastest way to receive your confirmation, if I do not reply text me to know what you need, please)
- Whatssap message (Almost instantly by clicking on the Whatssap bottom)
- Chat message (similar as Whatssap for me, just click on the fix bottom on the right side of the screen)
- Contact Form (I will receive your message. I will reply as soon as possible)
- Email (same as Contact Form)
Contact Info
From Palma/Soller to your house in Mallorca.
Email Me
Call Me
0034 605347013